
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dr. h.c. H.-Christian Brauweiler

Chair of Business Administration, esp. Management Accounting and Internal Audit

+49 375 536 3338
+49 375 536 3104

IDEA – Internationalization through advanced Digital Education in Asia and Caucasus

Project Description

In the framework of the project "Internationalization through advanced Digital Education in Asia and Caucasus" – IDEA - the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ), together with the 5 partner universities from 5 different Asian and Caucasian developing countries pursue the common goal to develop and establish an international double degree master's program in Management and Computer Science.

Partner universities:

  • ASUE – Armenian State University of Economics, Yerevan, Armenia
  • IBSU – International Black Sea University, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • – Kyrgyz-German Institute of Applied Informatics, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
  • KAFU – Kazakh-American Free University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
  • Tongji – Tongji University, Shanghai, China

The program is designed to enable students to combine their professional competencies with practice-oriented knowledge from applied computer science and management and to develop and accelerate intercultural competencies through an international student exchange. In this way, the partners meet the increasing worldwide demand for well-educated graduates with international experience and intercultural skills. For this purpose, a homogeneous knowledge base of students from different countries must be ensured, both professionally and linguistically. Against this background, it is planned that all students complete the 1st semester at WHZ, in Germany. Within this framework, they can take advantage of additional continuing education programs offered at WHZ, such as an English or German intensive course. Accordingly, the international and practice-oriented teaching of the WHZ is promoted via the new Doube Degree using an extended oeuvre of digitalized international and practice-oriented study offers.

Students can choose their modules for the following semesters individually, depending on the specialization of the individual international partner universities. Digitally, this is supported by establishing a central teaching and learning platform that the partner universities use jointly for teaching purposes. ¬Within this framework, international exchange and knowledge transfer between the academic partners in the teaching area are promoted and sustainably strengthened through the joint harmonization or new and further development of teaching and learning content, which is made available in digital form on the platform. Against this background, linking foreign partner universities and national and international practice partners to the central teaching and learning platform creates a study and teaching network that also offers research potential.

Visitor's Address:

Campus Eckersbach
Office: Building 6, Room 6304
Scheffelstrasse 39
08066 Zwickau, Germany