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Project: QMNIST with CNNs

Solve the QMNIST digit recognition task with a CNN and analyze the chosen CNN.

Work package 1: Training

Train a suitable CNN. Do not (!) use PCA or other feature reduction techniques. Do not (!) crop the images because convolutions need some space around the interesting parts of an image.

Try to get at least 85 percent correct classifications on the test set (without using the test set for training, of course).

Save your model.

Work package 2: Analysis

Visualize filters for the first convolutional layer in your CNN and try to interpret some of them (what features do they detect).

Take an image correctly classified to show a zero and modify it slightly to make you CNN 'think' that it's a five although human eye clearly sees a zero. You may use code from the lectures.


Zip the two files and the directory, name the zip file forename_surname.zip, and send it to the lecturer.