Sideline and Holiday Jobs

Sideline and holiday jobs are often simple activities. However, a student trainee position is, strictly speaking, also a part-time job and can therefore also include demanding technical tasks. You can find out what to look out for in working student jobs here.

If you assume a classic part-time job, e.g. as a tutor, assembly assistant or in sales, then a short application is often sufficient. If necessary, you can also attach a CV.


Regulations for:

Working student rule or also 20-hour rule

Attention! Please also check with your health insurance provider about the respective conditions! They will decide which exemptions are possible.

BAföG recipients are allowed to earn €5,416.32 gross in twelve months or €451.36 per month in addition to their studies. (Status: 20.05.2019)

If you have any questions, please contact your Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau advisor.

Additional income is therefore irrelevant for the Deutschlandstipendium. In the case of scholarships from the study support organisations, there are certain tax-free allowances for the basic scholarship that do not count towards the scholarship.

Special legal regulations apply to international students if they want to work while studying in Germany. You can find information on this here.

Career Service

Markus Haubold
Beratung, Stipendien, Unternehmenskontakte, Jobportal
+49 375 536 1343

Gina Flachsbart
(in Mutterschutz/Elternzeit)
Beratung internationaler Studierender, Projekt Praxis+