Hyperparameter Tuning#

Hyperparameters are parameters of a model which are not fit to the data. Instead, they are choosen in advance, mainly to control model complexity. An example is the number of neighbors considered in k-NN method. But preprocessing steps may depend on parameters, too. Remember the number of components to keep in PCA, for instance. This is a hyperparameter of the overall model, too. In this broader sense a model is an algorithm which takes raw data and yields predictions.

Choice of hyperparameters is difficult and heavily builds upon experience of the data scientist. From the computational point of view it’s very difficult to find optimal hyperparameters. Corresponding optimization problems are non-differentiable and, thus, not accessible to standard optimization procedures.

We will consider techniques for automatically choosing hyperparameters below. But getting some experience in manually choosing hyperparameters is an indispensable skill of data scientists.


Scikit-Learn allows to combine several processing steps into one estimator object. Thus, applying a chain of transformations and fitting procedures to several data sets becomes very simple. This functionality is provided by the Pipeline class of the sklearn.pipeline module.


Pipelines aren’t needed for hyperparameter optimization. But they simplify code by encapsulating all processing steps and their parameters in one Python object. Thus, hyperparameter optimization algorithms do not have to cope with several and different objects defining the overall model to be optimized.

Consider standardization followed by PCA and k-NN regression for the following example with synthetic data. We have three features and want to predict some quantity depending an these feature.

First the imports and creation of synthetic data.

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = default_rng(0)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as plt3d

import sklearn.preprocessing as preprocessing
import sklearn.decomposition as decomposition
import sklearn.neighbors as neighbors
import sklearn.pipeline as pipeline
n = 1000    # number of data points to generate

# generate data
X = rng.multivariate_normal([1, 2, 3], [[1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.2, 2, -0.1], [0.3, -0.1, 0.2]], n)
y = (0.89 * X[:, 0] + 0.78 * X[:, 1] + 0.84 * X[:, 2] - 5.34) ** 2 + 0.5 * rng.normal(size=n)

# plot data (color encodes y)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], s=3, c=y, cmap='jet')
ax.set_xlabel('feature 1')
ax.set_ylabel('feature 2')
ax.set_zlabel('feature 3')

Now we create a pipeline containing all processing steps. The Pipeline constructor takes a list of tuples. Each tuple consists of a string and a Scikit-Learn object. The string will be used to refer to parts of the pipeline later on. The Scikit-Learn objects have to provide fit and transform methods, where the whole pipeline provides the same methods as the last object in the pipeline. Thus, if the last object provides a predict method, then the whole pipeline can be used for prediction.

steps = [('standardize', preprocessing.StandardScaler()),
         ('pca', decomposition.PCA(n_components=2)),
         ('knn', neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5))]

pipe = pipeline.Pipeline(steps)

pipe.fit(X, y)
pipe.predict([[0, 0, 3]])

Calling fit of the pipeline object calls fit and transform for the first object in the pipeling, then for the second, and so on. Parameters of the processing steps can be set when creating the objects or afterwards by calling Pipeline.set_params(). This method takes keyword arguments of the form step__param, where step is a step’s name and param is the name of the parameter of the corresponding object.

pipe.fit(X, y)
pipe.predict([[0, 0, 3]])

All objects contained in a pipeline are accessible through the Pipeline.steps object. It’s a list of tuples, each containing a step’s name and the corresponding object. This way all parameters of all processing steps are available.

pipe.steps[1][1].components_[0, :]    # largest principal component
array([-0.70940987, -0.02120454, -0.70447712])

Cross Validation#

Especially for small data sets different splits into training and validation sets may yield different results in hyperparameter optimization. To avoid influence of the splitting process, we may use many different splits and calculate their mean score. Cross validation implements this idea.

Data available for training and validation is split into \(\nu\) more or less equally sized subsets. Then \(\nu\) different training validation splits are considered: one of the \(\nu\) subsets is used for validation and the other \(\nu-1\) comprise the test set. For each such split we train the model and calculate the score on the validation set. Finally, we calculate the mean of all \(\nu\) scores. This way all available data is used for training as well as for validation.

Scikit-Learn implements grid search with cross validation in the GridSearchCV class. The constructor takes a Scikit-Learn object (a pipeline, for instance) and a parameter grid as arguments. GridSearchCV objects then provide a fit method for doing the grid search and a predict method for getting predictions from the optimal model. The constructur accepts several other important arguments:

  • scoring: How to calculate the score for each model? The higher the score, the better the model. We may pass a predefined string, 'neg_mean_squared_error', for instance. See list of predefined scoring parameters.

  • n_jobs: How many processors to use? If Scikit-Learn shall use all available processors, pass -1.

  • cv: How many subsets to use?. Typical choice are \(2,\ldots,10\).

param_grid = {'pca__n_components': [1, 2, 3],
              'knn__n_neighbors': range(1, 11)}

gs = model_selection.GridSearchCV(pipe, param_grid, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5, n_jobs=-1)
gs.fit(X_train_val, y_train_val)

y_test_pred = gs.predict(X_test)
mse = metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test_pred, y_test)

print('root of MSE:  ', np.sqrt(mse))
print('standard deviation of true targets:  ', np.std(y_test))
{'knn__n_neighbors': 3, 'pca__n_components': 2}

root of MSE:   1.4311176903230793
standard deviation of true targets:   4.641821625794403

If there are only very few samples for training and validation choosing as many subsets as samples are available can be useful. Then the validation set consists of only one sample. This approach is known as leave one out (LOO) cross validation.

Bias versus Variance#

There are two main sources for bad model performance:

  • The model is too simple to properly represent the data.

  • The model is overfitted to the training data.

In the first case we say that the model is too biased. That is, it contains assumptions about the data the data does not satisfy. Approximating nonlinear data by a linear function is a typical example.

The second situation stems from too complex models. The model itself imposes only very few assumptions on the data and gathers all its information from the training data. Here we say that the model has high variance. High variance results in low generalization power. That is, the model performance is bad on data not included in the training procedure.

To find good models we have to look for a compromise between bias and variance of a model. This is what we do when tuning hyperparameters. To reduce variance, obtaining more training data is a choice, too. But often getting more data is impossible or at least expensive.

Scikit-Learn has the learning_curve function to plot the dependence between size of training data set and prediction errors. The function trains and scores a model for different amounts of training data. For scoring cross validation is used.

pipe.set_params(pca__n_components=3, knn__n_neighbors=3)

train_sizes, train_scores, val_scores \
    = model_selection.learning_curve(pipe, X, y, train_sizes=np.linspace(0.1, 1, 20), cv=10,

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(train_sizes, np.mean(train_scores, axis=1), '-ob', markersize=3, label='training scores')
ax.plot(train_sizes, np.mean(val_scores, axis=1), '-or', markersize=3, label='validation scores')
ax.set_xlabel('size of training set')

We see that 600 training samples suffice to train the model. Using more samples increases performance only slightly. Thus, it is very unlikely that collecting even more data would improve our model.

Similarly to the learning curve we may plot training and validation error depending on a hyperparameter. Usually, on the one end of the parameter scale the model is too simple (thus, high training and validation error), on the other end the model is too complex and overfits the training data (thus, low training error, high validation error). From the so called validation plot we may find a good hyperparameter between both extreme cases.

Scikit-Learn provides the validation_curve function for this purpose. Usage is very similar to learning_curve.

pipe.set_params(pca__n_components=3, knn__n_neighbors=3)

param_range = range(1, 21)
train_scores, val_scores \
    = model_selection.validation_curve(pipe, X, y, param_name='knn__n_neighbors',
                                       param_range=param_range, cv=10,

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(param_range, np.mean(train_scores, axis=1), '-ob', markersize=3, label='training scores')
ax.plot(param_range, np.mean(val_scores, axis=1), '-or', markersize=3, label='validation scores')

Obviously, number of neighbors should be 2 to get a relatively good score (score close to 0 means that the mean squared error is close to 0). More neighbors reduce model complexity. Thus, the model isn’t able to fit training (and validation) data. With only one neighbor the model tends to overfit training data.