DAAD International Germany Alumni Seminar 2023 - DMEA Berlin -
On behalf of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) the WHZ Zwickau University of Applied Sciences is organizing the International Germany Alumni Seminar 2023
SDG Alumni Projects: WHZ – DMEA Digital Health
17 - 23 April 2023 in Zwickau, Germany
followed by the participation at the
DMEA Health 2023 – Digital Medical Expertise & Applications
25 - 27 April 2023 in Berlin, Germany
For application please use the following link.
More information about the programme can be found at the following link.
Seminar aims
Seminar aims
WHZ is a cosmopolitan university that fosters intercultural and scientific exchange. Digital health devices and applications are becoming increasingly important, not only as a result of the Corona pandemic, but especially in the area of international knowledge transfer.
The main goal of the project is to strengthen the competence in the field of digital medicine and health care as well as nursing sciences and to show new ways. Also tasks and possibilities of civil protection and press-ing environmental issues are introduced. To this end, current trends and the latest findings from the health and nursing sciences will be presented and discussed with the help of attractive knowledge transfer tech-niques such as game-based learning elements. The project also serves to promote networking between Alumni and colleges, universities, research institutions and companies.
The seminar and the conference visit are offered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of the SDG Alumni Projects programme (http://www.daad.de/sdg-alumni-projects). The International Germany Alumni Seminar 2023 is organized and hosted by the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ). The costs will be mainly covered by funds from the DAAD provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The seminar is scheduled in the run-up to the conference DMEA Health 2023 – Digital Medical Expertise & Applications (https://www.dmea.de/en/).
The programme could you find under this link.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dr. h.c. mult. H.-Christian Brauweiler
Lehrstuhl für BWL, insbes. Betr. Rechnungslegung und Interne Revision
Campus Scheffelstraße, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau (Univ. of Applied Sciences)
+49 (0) 375 536 3541
Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Tom Schaal
Lehrstuhl für Gesundheits- und Pflegemanagement, insbes. Management im Gesundheitswesen
Campus Scheffelberg, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau (Univ. of Applied Sciences)
+49 (0) 375 536 3404
Claudia Winkelmann, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Tim Tischendorf, BA
Büro: Scheffelstraße 39, Haus 6
+49 (0) 375 536 3506
+49 (0) 375 536 3421
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Postfach 20 10 37
08012 Zwickau
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