Alumna Kateřina Bendová




Current Job Position: Finance department, Johnson &Johnson, Prague

Study Period: September 2017 - September 2019 



I studied a double degree bachelor's program that took place partially in Lorient, France where I met former GPRE students and got very excited about the whole program. I wanted to pursue my studies abroad and GPRE was the perfect match for me. I chose the program because it represents a very good combination of languages, project management, economics and many other subjects.

I am very grateful for my classmates. We were a small group of students and became not only classmates, project colleagues but also really good friends. My favourite memories are from the semester in Germany during which we travelled all together a lot.

During my studies, I interned at Bosch for one year where I worked in a project management team at the International simultaneous engineering center. I was responsible for assisting to senior project managers, projects tracking, team progress tracking and Intranet management.

I would recommend GPRE to all people who search for a master program that will provide them with an international and intercultural experience while becoming a subject matter expert.

 Finance department, Johnson &Johnson, Prague